Forside / Gallerier / Øvelse med raw, mobil og filter /

X-H1 processed raw file 1 rez

X-H1 processed raw file 1_rez.jpg X-H1 raw file straight out of camera rezMiniaturebillederX-H1 Capture One Landscape filter 2 rezX-H1 raw file straight out of camera rezMiniaturebillederX-H1 Capture One Landscape filter 2 rezX-H1 raw file straight out of camera rezMiniaturebillederX-H1 Capture One Landscape filter 2 rezX-H1 raw file straight out of camera rezMiniaturebillederX-H1 Capture One Landscape filter 2 rezX-H1 raw file straight out of camera rezMiniaturebillederX-H1 Capture One Landscape filter 2 rezX-H1 raw file straight out of camera rezMiniaturebillederX-H1 Capture One Landscape filter 2 rezX-H1 raw file straight out of camera rezMiniaturebillederX-H1 Capture One Landscape filter 2 rez

ISO400 1/1700 F2,8
rettet op, lysnet skygger, givet lidt kontrast.

Claus Strøm Madsen